
2009 Vino 125


We are nearly at the end of 2008. Goodbye 2008 and welcome 2009. And we will have another new model of Yamaha bike for the next year. But it's a scooter model. Whatever! But still Yamaha is the best and evergreen.


DubLiMan said...

You had left the following comment on my Attitude site:
"i dont know how does it work but i wanna try it too. it will bring lot's of traffic rite?"

The Big Bang is near the end of it's life cycle.

If you are looking to increase your exposure, readership and hits, while having fun……then I would like to invite you join SlogBite.Com. It is a new concept in site directories. I would be honored if you would come by and take a look. It is still in the pre-launch stage. However, I am accepting participants in anticipation of the official launch.

One of SlogBite’s unique qualities is the granularity of the categories, and the fact that you can join multiple categories per site; you are not limited to just one like all other directories. If you cannot find a category that fits your needs exactly, just let me know and I will tell you how it can be created.

In fact, I have a "Motorcycles" category. Why not be the first site on it.


NIZHAMA said...

Thanks fawwaz? for your visiting... Hammad still alone, (kesihan kat dia), now he is playing computer without friend. I'm too busy making money on line... huh3...(just a joke). Another thing I was among the big bang participants. I got a goog authority from technorati because of it, but now I think it is going to the end... . I will try SlogBite.... Hope it will give me more 'power'